Seminars and Classes
151A Physics
for Future Physicists (Fall 2013)
Introduction to Solid-State Physics (Spring 2013)
H190 Physics
of Energy and Environment (Spring 2012)
H190 Topics
in Optical Spintronics (Spring 2011)
Introduction to Elementary-Particle Physics (Fall 2010)
H190 Neutron
Physics (Spring 2010)
H7A Introduction
to Mechanics (Fall 2009)
138 Atomic Physics
(Spring 2009)
039 Sophomore Seminar: Elementary Physics of
Fluids (Spring 2008)
250 Atomic Physics: Interaction of
atoms with polarized light (Spring 2008)
250 Atomic Physics: Interaction of
atoms with polarized light (Spring 2007)
250 Atomic
Physics: Interaction of atoms with polarized light (Spring 2006)
138 Atomic
Physics (Spring 2005)
132 Modern Physics
(Spring 2004)
208A Introduction
to Quantum Electronics and Nonlinear Optics (Fall 2004)
Introduction to Mechanics (Fall 2003)
H190 Introduction to Molecular
Spectroscopy (Spring 2002)
137A Quantum Mechanics (Fall
250 Selected Hot, Cool, and
Ultra-Cold Topics in Atomic Physics (Spring 2000)
208B Quantum electronics and nonlinear
optics: phenomena, devices and applications (Spring 1999)
111 Advanced
Undergraduate Laboratory
124 Introductory Nuclear Physics
UCB Undergraduate
Research Apprentice Program (URAP)